Monday, April 20, 2009

Money - Financial Quotient

Most people try to save money for retirement. They think money is hard to get. That is why they work hard for money. Their believe to have more money is to work more hours or to have more than one job. I'm not against in working hard. All we need is work hard with smart strategy. For them the only way to earn money is to go to work. The mentality of 'money doesn't grow on trees' makes them believe its hard to earn money. Life is hard. No time. Tired of working.

They cannot think to earn money in different form. They cannot have that vision of money in terms of investment, money in terms of passive income or assets.

Rich people invest for retirement. They don't save for retirement. They create passive income from assets. They buy or they create assets that can generate money without their involvement in the money generation vehicles. They know how money works.

We don't have to be smart to have money. We don't have to have a Phd to have financial security. We just have to learn. Change the mindset. Re-educate yourself. We have all the information we need in this modernize world.